Well, its about time for a little update since things havvve been happening rather than me always saying, "I did nothing, I have no job, I went job hunting." I have worked a couple shifts with Select Education and have worked a few shifts on the South Steyne (a restaurant in an old ferry in the harbour....take a look around the site:
South Steyne). It is nice to finally have some income and start saving so I can travel.
I also finally got a hold of DET after re fowarding my emails a few times to them and calling them every day. Unfortunately I have to do a week of training with them and the soonest possible date is the third week in August. I will have to decide on what I want to be doing. I am enjoying working with the babies at the moment so I may just stick with that. It makes decent money. Select Education is a place that recruits people to do part time or casual work with them. Schools call Select Education and tell them that they need a casual and then Select Education finds a casual for them. I have been working with 3 year olds and 4 year olds usually. Its pretty fun. They are really cute. Today was not so great because I could not talk. So when I had to be bossy the kids took advantage of the no voice. It was frustrating.
Working on the South Steyne is okay. I am still a bit shy with the boss there and need a bit more confidence...Then I should be fine. I think the worst part is the cook when its busy in the restaurant because he is always freaking out. I usually just work on the weekends which is nice because restaurants pay their employees way more on the weekends. So Saturday is 22 bucks an hour and Sunday is 27 bucks an hour. Thats pretty sweet! That is my rent paid with some left over.
I always complain that it is so cold here. I then have to remember that it is winter time here and that 15 degrees with lots of wind really isn't that bad. It is cold.. but its not Canada cold. Today, at work, they were complaining about how cold it was today and that I should be wearing a jacket. It got to a high of 16 degrees. I laughed and said. Do you know how cold it gets in Canada? This is not cold. They were worried about the kids catching colds from playing outside. There was one time last week where it was probably 20 degrees and the sun was hot. I spent the day down by the water at Circular Quay. But once the sun went a way it became very windy and cold. Their winter here is pretty much our fall. If you can relate to that then you know the weather that I am experiencing at the moment. Hopefully, soon enough though, I will be going up to warmer climates.
Besides, have a cold where I actually have no voice I am doing very well. We have two more house mates that just moved in...A boyfriend and girlfriend...Mira and Catherine. They are from Czech Republic. They are super nice people. Catherine came out of her room today with some medicines from back home that she takes when she has a cold and flu. She had to explain them both to me as I know no czech. It is great how everyone that moves in here all get along really well. I love it. I will definitely hate when August comes and some of us start to go back home to our original countries. It's definitely great to have these friends from all over the world though.
Anyways...there is my brain throw up for today. I say that because I really just think and type...so sometimes i feel as though it is all over the place...
oh and the title... today for lunch a boy kept telling me that he really liked 'matos' but he was pronouncing this word so funny that I had no idea what he was saying. Then, he was asking me if he could have some more, please. So I assumed he was saying cheese...and wanting more pizza. I just kind of ignored him and replied oh thats cool, is that your favourite food? But still not understanding. Finally he said to me, I want some more matos plllllease? And I looked over at the salad and said...tomatoes??? and he was like "Duh Miss Holly, yESSSSS!!!" But they say it funny over here...like TOMA - TOES. I had a good chuckle. I like the words that are said different to us here.