Monday, December 28, 2009

And a kookaburra in a gum tree...

We hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas! We sure did. Darryll and Donna adopted us as their kids and took us to Donna's family's farm. It was great getting to know her family. We went over to the farm on Christmas Eve and it still didn't really feel like Christmas. It didn't help that it was 35-40 degree weather every day. They had some fake snow spray to help it feel more like Christmas.

Christmas Day the kids opened their presents and then it started to feel more like Christmas. We had a big (overload) lunch and the adults had a Kris Kringle gift exchange. David and I got a lottery ticket and some chocolates, wish us luck! Grandpa usually buys a gift for the whole family and this year it was a buggy. For supper we had a wide variety of desserts Every evening we sat outside having laughs and fun. This particular night I went with Donna and her 2 sisters to have a little sing song. They used to sing together in pubs and different events when they were younger and her sisters have also been in different bands. When we came back to join the rest of the crew Donna's brother had scraped some frost and thought he would give me a Merry Christmas, so he through a bunch of frost at me and asked me how to make a snowman. I formed a ball for him to let him get the idea....and then showed him how we through snowballs. :) It's so weird to me having to show people stuff like that because they have never seen it.

Boxing Day was relaxed with a big lunch and a big supper...of the leftovers from Christmas Day. Donna decided it would be a good idea if all the girls put their hair in pig tails and then decorated them with Christmas decorations, so that was how part of our day was spent. In the arvo (afternoon), we watched Mick (grandpa) do some burn outs with one of the many cars that he has lying around for parts. It was pretty sweet to watch.

All in all it was a wonderful weekend. Lots of chatting and eating and meeting people. To explain the rest of the weekend would bore you but these are the highlights of the weekend.

On Sunday night Catherine took us to the airport and we had the worst 4 hour flight leg space, no tv because you had to pay 10 dollars for it and no sleep. Never doing the midnight flight again. A highlight of the flight though, is that we got to watch the sunrise from our window. It was soooo beautiful! We arrived in a rainy Sydney and slept until the afternoon. It is nice to be back but we cannot let ourselves get stuck in this city again!!!

That is all for now. I am sure you will hear from us after New Years! :)

Will put up pictures soon,

HOlly and David

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merrrrrrrrrrry Christmas!


It's been a busy beginning of a week..Well compared to what it has been. Catherine and her girls have been here and so we have been working a bit more and spending time with them catching marron, cooking, baking and just hanging out. I made yummy nanaimo bars last night. The girls enjoyed them. They are pretty sweet. It will be my contribution to Christmas. I am also attempting lefse (a norwegian dish), it is still in dough form though.

This past weekend was a hot hot 40 degree weekend. We went to Perth for one last time. We stayed in Catherine's house for one last time and then spent Saturday with Juli...She cooked us a Colombian soupa. Yum! Juli lives right next to Swan River so while she worked in the evening David and I took a stroll down there and walked into the city for some Subway. On Sunday we woke up ROASTING, we picked up our liquified selves and headed to the mall for some air conditioning. We picked up a present for Kris Kringle at the Vanzetti farm and had some iced coffee and a chat with our friend Glenn. We went to the beautiful beach in Mulaloo one last time before we head back to Sydney! It was wonderful. After the beach we met up with some friends and had a picnic and waited for the Christmas Carols to start. It was weird. I could not get over it. It felt like they were having a Christmas Party in July. But this is how they celebrate Christmas every year. It was put on by a local church... Hillsong wannabe type music. It was good, they finished off the picnic and carols with some fireworks. Yes, fireworks again. David and I feel like we see fire works on a weekly basis here. They have them for everything..and every single one of them is better than the Canada Day fireworks in Regina. hahaha.

Anyways, it is our last day with Catherine and the farm so we have a lot of work to do! We leave for Sydney on the 27th at midnight and spend a couple weeks in Sydney, working and watching the NEW YEAR's EVE fire works from our friend's house and then we are off to New Zealand on the 12 for about a month. That is our plan for now.

We wont have any internet at the farm for Christmas...but get ready for a photo overload when we get back to Sydney!!!!!

Miss you all! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!! (I have to keep saying this to myself so that I can believe that it's actually Christmas time.)

Holly and David

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ice Skating!!

Another blog update, yay! I have finally pulled myself away from the bathtub. David, Daryll and I went down to the river with Marron (big black crayfish) nets and let them sit for the afternoon and caught 6 marron, we let two go back into the River and took 4 back to the house to live in the bathtub until tomorrow at lunch time. At the beginning of our retrieving of the nets a bull ant decided that he was going to pinch down on the bottom of my foot. OUCH! Daryll and David had a nice laugh for about 10 minutes until the sting settled down. It is still sore but not as bad as those 10 minutes.

This weekend David and I went to Perth again. We spent the morning of Saturday at the Hillary Harbour Markets for Catherine and then went shopping. It was too weird...40 degree weather, christmas decorations, christmas music... I can't even really get into singing Christmas carols or being excited because it feels like its July. We then went to a beach near the house and hung out there for a few hours and had a little swim. In the evening we went Ice Skating!!!!! Two weeks ago we met a guy at church named Isaac and he loves watching ice hockey and skating. He is off to Lewis, an island of Scotland, as he has found love there. So this was his going away party. It was nice to have some air conditioning and ice to cool us off. It was David's second time skating ever. Everytime people asked me if I could skate...they would stop in mid-sentence and be like "Oh wait, your from Canada, you should be a pro." Well, I am not a pro but I can skate. The rink was pretty bad, though. Isaac said that it was probably the best it has ever been. When people fell they were soaking wet afterwards because it was slushy and had puddles every where that there was higher amounts of traffic. I will give Australia credit though....It was a pretty good indoor skating rink for a 40 degree day. And to end the night....David left the lights on in the car...again. He asked everyone if they had jumper cables and no one did. Finally, the last person came out and happened to have them..Boy, were we lucky. I think we have to start taking jumper cables around with us.

On Sunday, we went to church, caught up with people and then met Isaac and some of his friend for lunch at Nando's, a popular portugese restaurant in Australia. It was another 40 degree day so David and I decided to head over to the Mall to do some shopping and then head to the beach. I guess Isaac had missed us already though because he called asking if he could take us out for coffee. So we met him at a coffee shop in the mall and he bought me a big piece of Mars Chocolate Cake and an Iced Coffee...bad girl. David and I then headed off to the beach to enjoy the sun and ocean for a bit before heading off to the evening service at church. We were a tad late for the service since we got the time wrong. Luckily the church was only 10 minutes away from the beach we were at so we were only 40 minutes late. After church we went out with some friends at Hillary's Harbour and Isaac introduced us to some YUMMY ICE CREAM (I know, bad girl). There were different flavours to choose from..and had a choice of different candies and chocolates to put in it...They would then mix it all together and so you had ice cream with your choice of candies in it...We all had a boysenberry ice cream with nerds and gummy bears...Goood choice.. I reminisced about nerds ice cream from when I was younger. Apparently it was only a North American thing.

Well that is it for now,

Holly and David

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sheep & Monks


So we decided to cut the blog into two sections. Just like when you get Paragraph breaks in newspapers so that the reader doesn't get bored and decide to go off and do something else.

We left the farm early-ish and headed down the highway to a place called New Norcia. Now New Norcia is the oldest Monastary in Australia, and the only one in WA. We arrived and headed for the museum, booking our tour and had a look around the place. When it was time for the tour, our guide Ricki, who had quite a history herself. She told us that when she was a nurse in the Vietnam war, she put some 'Purple Paint' on this guys bum who fell off his bike. That's what I remembered about her anyway. The tour started near a shrine to a miracle that had happenned shortly after the place was acquired, when a fire threatened to ruin the entire plantation they had, they resorted to placing a painting Mary in the fires path and prayed furiously untill the fire went back on its self. Nice eh?!

So the next bit was to head the the monks area, the general public isn't actually allowed in any of their buildings except the chapel, so we headed up there past the guest quarters and had a small history lesson on all there was to know about the two chapels they used. We later returned to the newer chapel to sit in on their afternoon prayer. We then headed off to the girls school, boys school and Aboriginal school. When New Norcia was formed back in 1876 the main man's idea of the place was to help and understand the Aboriginal people rather thatn to do what every other white man in Australia was trying to do at the time. So this was good stuff to hear, far from the barbaric history we'd heard from Europes first settlers in the country, pillaging, assimilating and generally being horrible to the lands Aboriginals. Holly was pleased, this is her area of passion in Australias history and for me it was good too, people being nice and wanting to preserve the original.

So after our tour we hit the art gallery and New Norcia Hotel, all of which were very nice and interesting. We'd spent hours in the place so we headed off at around 3 south towards the town of Gin-Gin. We'd heard that there wasn't much to see there so we planned a flyby visit on the way back to the farm. We ended up staying there for a while having a look around the tiny village, we got some food and had a mini picnic by the river on the grass trying to hold onto our food rather than having it snatched by some very friendly ducks. We had a walk down the river to see if we could find any marron but no success.

We drove back to the farm just as the sun was going down and made some food immediately.

So tuesday we packed some olives into jars, very ordinary...But in the afternoon we herded in the sheep with a view to putting these bands around their tails and male parts. We also had to tag the sheep according to age and gender and take some chunks out of their ears for recognition purposes. Holly's task was to make sure the lambs didn't run through the fence, to count the sheep that were marked and to let them through the gates once done. She also got to hold one of the new born baby lambs. Mine was to tackle the sheep, hold them on their back for the bands, then on the front for the ear bits. I've done much more humane jobs at the farm than this, but it was an experience. I left with some blood spatters on my shirt and arms and in desperate need of a drink. My back and arms are slightly achy today but this is nothing compared to what the sheep went through!

Ok, no more. We'll blog again soon. Stay safe and take care :)

David & Holly

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Moora Speedway

David and I had another great weekend! Friday was a scorching 39 degrees and Saturday was just as hot. So we spent Saturday in the cool room jarring olives and then went up to Moora to watch Donna's (Daryll's wife) family (The Vanzetti's) race stock cars at the Moora Raceway. It was wonderful to watch! The Vanzetti Grandkids and their parents all race and make up a big part of the racers. We got home to their farm at around 2 am from the races (they live about 5 km from the raceway) and we stayed up with Donna's family until about 5am.

The next morning we spent getting shown all of the cars around the farm. I wouldn't be surprised if there are over 100 cars at that farm. David got a ride into the city by Donna's dad in his Ford GT 05, 5 litre. David was wide awake after that ride. Afterwards, Donna's brother took us out for a ride in the header...which just so happens to be CASE...and actually from Canada. We bonded comparing Saskatchewan and Alberta farming to Western Australia farming. It is actually very similar...but also very different. Their crops are covered in trees. They have to have trees there because they lower the water table that decreases the problem that they have with salt. In the beginning they got rid of a lot of them and then had to replant them.

One problem that W.A. has learned to live with is Bush Fires. The day before we arrived out at Moora the neighbouring farm had a problem with his header and it caught on fire, starting a blaze that went fast across his paddock that had not been harvested yet.

Moora is about the same size as Coronation (Alberta). It also reminded me of small towns in Saskatchewan. It felt like a nice summer day back home.

Anyways, Iduring the afternoon David and I gave a little geopgraphy lesson with an atlas on both of our countries and then I helped Donna's dad's build the telescope that he got for his birthday. Because David and I were there for another night Donna's brother decided we should have a bbq, some of Donna's cousins came over as well. It looks like we might be spending Christmas with the family as well. We get along really well with them and it was a good couple of days. :)

That's all for now.....

Holly and David

Friday, December 4, 2009

Phinally Photos

The computer finally decided to stop acting up and I was able to upload some photos. So it will catch you up a bit to where we are. I don't know if I can link photo albums to different blogs but hopefully you remember the different stories.

Regan's Ridge Olive Farm

The Beautiful Indian Ocean


Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Blog Time. Said with a slight sigh. Another Long Blog Post is coming.

Ok, so Friday night we headed down to Catherine's again after two days back at the farm, she asked if we could cme back and help her with a market on saturday. Her daughter was in the city doing one market, and we were at Hillary's Boat Harbour doing another, a full day market. We ended at around 9pm.
The reason the market stayed open so late was that the harbour was celebrating summer, it did so with a 'DJ' on a Jetty and some spectacular fireworks. We didn't do too badly at the market either and made a few sales after the fireworks, I knew they wanted the Oil and the Olives even if they didn't.

We spent the day trading next to a Swedish ex-pat who was selling some Swedish Chocolate Balls. She came and saw us earlier in the day to see our set up and rewarded us with one of her produce. It was Amazing!! A chocolate, buttery, Oaty ball coated in hard sugar. A secret family recipe but the balls are known all around Sweden. And now known to us. She is doing a great thing to the world!

So Sunday, we woke up and headed off to this church we'd heard about. Darryll's wife Donna's sister was a worship leader there, so we thought we'd give it a go. We were given the most amazing greeting and hounded (in a good way) by lots of people. I think we'd been spotted as newcomers as we had one guy come up and say are you the people from Canada? hehe. It wasn't quite Hillsong though they did play some of their music, but it was a good experience. The size was better than Hillsong, you feel as though your a newcomer every time at Hillsong, whereas I can see you being welcomed as a regular after your first visit. The pastor took some time out to speak to us after the service and we had a great conversation about nothing. Cassie Davis who is a newcoming singer from Australia is the Pastors daughter.

We headed back to Catherine's house and hadn't realised that her daughters had set the alarm as they left with their grandparents earlier. So we let ourselves in and stood back as the piercing alarm stunned us both. It was very embarassing and we called Catherine to figure out what to do. She gave us the code and we dissarmed the alarm. It's definately funny now.
So we headed to the beach in the afternoon before church and played in the bathwarm water. It was really windy and the waves were pretty big, we played here for about an hour and headed straight to church. After the service a guy called Isaak came and spoke to me saying he was moving to Scotland to be with a girl he'd met while on holiday earlier in the year. He had a very interesting story and invited us both out for some Noodles at the Boat harbour where we'd done the market the day before. We had a great night talking with him and some of his friends, enjoyed some good noodles and good company, a really nice night.

So monday we headed back early to be here for work. I jumped on the little tractor and finished my mowing i'd started on friday, Holly headed into the Mango plantation and continued the pruning after mourning the loss of the grey cup. (Canadian Football for the British Followers) It was an average day on the farm untill Holly found a snake near the roses, she was weeding there and it was slithering towards her. Darryll caught it and we got some photos. Even he didn't know what kind of snake it was, though he thought it was a baby Dugart. A poisonous snake, we tried looking for fangs but it's mouth was too small. Don't worry parents we were unharmed.

We headed off with Darryll to herd his cows and move them to another of his leased land blocks. It was great fun herding them, they are such placid animals and will always go for an open gate. Too easy. We loaded them onto the trailer and carted them to their new home. In the 5 minute journey they'd managed to poo all over the trailer, even above head height. Of course I was amazed.
Daryll told us to head to his house and Donna would fix us up with something to drink and some food. We had a really fun night and really enjoyed their company. Darryll tried to teach Holly to say his name properly which was entertaining. We stayed the night and spent all day today (Tuesday) doing some trimming of climbing plants, moving some grinded limestone to their pathway and stomping it down. After lunch we loaded the farms Semi trailer (Lorry) with some junk from their garage, a sofa, an old cooker, a dresser and heaps of carpets etc...I then drove it to Lancelin's Rubbish tip, we opened both sides of the truck and heaved all the insides out leaving a nice gap where the truck was standing.

So....I think that's it. There is more detail but you've probably already run out of time. We'll keep busy and make sure we have more interesting news to Blog about.

Uru :)

David & Holly