Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Moora Speedway

David and I had another great weekend! Friday was a scorching 39 degrees and Saturday was just as hot. So we spent Saturday in the cool room jarring olives and then went up to Moora to watch Donna's (Daryll's wife) family (The Vanzetti's) race stock cars at the Moora Raceway. It was wonderful to watch! The Vanzetti Grandkids and their parents all race and make up a big part of the racers. We got home to their farm at around 2 am from the races (they live about 5 km from the raceway) and we stayed up with Donna's family until about 5am.

The next morning we spent getting shown all of the cars around the farm. I wouldn't be surprised if there are over 100 cars at that farm. David got a ride into the city by Donna's dad in his Ford GT 05, 5 litre. David was wide awake after that ride. Afterwards, Donna's brother took us out for a ride in the header...which just so happens to be CASE...and actually from Canada. We bonded comparing Saskatchewan and Alberta farming to Western Australia farming. It is actually very similar...but also very different. Their crops are covered in trees. They have to have trees there because they lower the water table that decreases the problem that they have with salt. In the beginning they got rid of a lot of them and then had to replant them.

One problem that W.A. has learned to live with is Bush Fires. The day before we arrived out at Moora the neighbouring farm had a problem with his header and it caught on fire, starting a blaze that went fast across his paddock that had not been harvested yet.

Moora is about the same size as Coronation (Alberta). It also reminded me of small towns in Saskatchewan. It felt like a nice summer day back home.

Anyways, Iduring the afternoon David and I gave a little geopgraphy lesson with an atlas on both of our countries and then I helped Donna's dad's build the telescope that he got for his birthday. Because David and I were there for another night Donna's brother decided we should have a bbq, some of Donna's cousins came over as well. It looks like we might be spending Christmas with the family as well. We get along really well with them and it was a good couple of days. :)

That's all for now.....

Holly and David

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