Friday, April 24, 2009

Anzac Day!

Once again I am a patriotic Australian Canadian. Today is Anzac Day in Australia. The significance of this day is to remember all the Australians and New Zealanders who died in all of the wars they have faught in. Similiar to Rememebrance Day, but different obviously. (They also celebrate Remembrance Day). Dee, our fellow Australian friend, Monica and I woke up at 3 (well I slept for an hour and the girls didn't sleep) and we took a bus to Martin Place where they had their Dawn Service. It was a pretty cool experience. There was approximately 35,000 people at the service. Then we walked all the way home and went to bed.

I also have two friends from the Whitsundays here in Sydney until Wednesday. Steffan and Simon. They are also Welsh. It is good to have them back and actually hear a true Welsh accent. They also speak Welsh a fair bit and it makes me giggle. A language I don't think I will ever have interest in learning. It is a very crazy language. It's cool how they make words with no vowels.

I am now off to go to my flatmate, Maritzio's barbecue. It is a nice day out today. Probably in the 20s. Definitely, not a beach day though. I don't think I will be seeing one of those for awhile.

Take care!


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